
Within the next years, an economical efficient allocation of social services will become a key role regarding the question to which extent the systems of social assurance can be maintained in the Federal Republic of Germany. Furthermore, the impact of the health care sector increases as well in the for profit economy. This is due to higher requested individual responsibility, the demographic development and rapid medical technical progress. 

Against this background, the chair of economic and management of social services views its core duty in getting the necessary economical methods and instruments to the students of the subject via lectures and seminares, as well as via practical projects and case studies.

Thereby, the focal point of the provided teaching range lies within approaches of coordination orientated controlling in public health facilities and the nonprofit economy as well as within instruments of quality management and quality assurance. 

The tution programme serves students of the economic and social science faculty with economical orientation as supplementary additional qualification for a posterior assignment in clinical enterprises and in the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industry.


Current Lectures dates.


Final Theses and Seminars

Important informations and topics.
