Welcome to the chair

With the establishment of the professorship "Economics and Management of Social Services" in 1998, the University of Hohenheim responded  to the increasing economic impact of the social tertiary sector.

In 2020, there were approx. 44,9 million people gainfully employed in Germany. Out of these, one in eight is employed in the public health sector (approx. 5,8 million in 2020). This exceeds other, much more well known, industries in Germany, with for example the automotive sector employing only approximately 0.81 million people. 

At the core of social services in Germany are the public health care system and welfare care. Characteristics of this area are, on the one hand, very high and fast dynamics of development (demography, technological progress), and on the other hand the high variety of allocation possibilities. The range of the latter contains plain marketplace structures, continues with so-called non-profit or non-government organizations, and finally reaches the point of direct state activities.

The chair’s main objective and core competence lies in this polymorphic sector’s economic analysis and in the contemporary intervention of the obtained research results in teaching. However, in doing so, the focal point is based on economic questions.

For further questions please visit the following pages of our homepage:

Inform yourself also about the Course Specialization Health Management (info-page for B.Sc. and M.Sc.) at the Homepage of our Institute.

For any sorts of questions and concerns, you are very welcome to contact our chair directly, too.
